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Reception 2025 Open Days (16/10/25, 20/11/25): Please click here for more information.

Welcome to Catsfield Church of England Primary School

Nurture the Spirit – Grow the Mind – Love your Neighbour

2 Timothy 1:6: Stir up the gifts that are within you!

A warm welcome to Catsfield C of E Primary School from the children, staff, families and governors!

To find out more about us, please call Mrs Macpherson in the School Office on 01424 892247 or email office@catsfieldcep.e-sussex.sch.uk

To visit us, we are in Church Road, Battle, TN33 9DP

You can find us on Twitter by clicking here (@CatsfieldCEP) of Facebook by clicking here.

If you are interested in joining our school, we have vacancies in Year 4, 5 and 6.


About us

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Information for Parents

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Our Curriculum

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Life at Catsfield CEP School Term 6

Life at Catsfield CEP - Term 6.mp4
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