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Role Of Governors



Appointed By



Declared Interests

Full Voting Rights





Mr John Barnes Ex Officio GB 1/9/2022 -  Head Teacher Employed by the school Yes 7/7 4/4
Miss Charlotte Buckland Parent Governor Elected by Parents  1/9/22 - 1/9/26

Chair of Governors

Quality of Education Safeguarding 

Parent at school Yes 5/7 4/4
Miss Cassie Kirk Staff Governor Elected by staff 20/1/22 -19/1/26 Year 1/2 class teacher Employed at the school Yes 7/7 4/4
Father Robert Beaken   Ex Officio Foundation Governor Diocese of Chichester 28/3/22-27/3/26 Ethos   Yes 6/7 3/4
Mrs Sharon Bruce Co-Opted Governor FGB 01/02/24 - 31/01/28 Behaviour and Attitudes Works for a supply teacher agency Yes 5/5 3/4
Miss Jay Chappill Parent Governors Elected by Parents 1/9/22 -1/9/26 Personal Development, EYFS

Employed by school

After school club provider

Yes 5/7 4/4
Mr Desmond Christian Foundation Governor Diocese of Chichester 15/1/24 - 14/1/28

Vice Chair

Finance, Health and Safety, GDPR

  Yes 4/5 4/4
Mr John Hassell Co-Opted Governor FGB 11/07/24 - 11/7/28   Grandfather of pupils Yes 1/1 4/4


Governors who have left in the past 12 months:

Mrs Carol Feltwll - LA Governor - left 14/02/2025




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