Special Educational Needs
Our School SENCO is Miss Brunton. If you would like to get in touch please contact her through the school office.
Childline has some great calming activities https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/
At Catsfield Church of England Primary School we we work within The Matrix as set out by East Sussex. The Matrix provides a shared understanding of how to identify Special Educational Needs as well as guidance on provision and resources to meet those needs.
The matrix can be found using the link below:
We also follow the East Sussex Local Offer which can be found here:
You can find other helpful information on:
CLASS+ https://czone.eastsussex.gov.uk/inclusion-and-send/isend-services/communication-learning-and-autism-support-service-class/classplus/
Amaze https://amazesussex.org.uk/