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Wraparound Care

Wraparound Care provision consists of two elements: Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club and runs every day during term time.

Breakfast Club is open from 8.00am to 8.45am, with breakfast served between 8.00am and 8.15am. There are two sessions after school. the first runs from 3.20pm to 4.15pm and the second from 4.15pm until 5.15pm, with food being served at 4.15pm.

To request a place at any of the session you will need to complete the PING form which is sent out termly. Each session cost £4.50.  At the end of each term we will send out a new booking PING form to book your child’s places for the following term. There are 24 places available for each session. If demand exceeds supply, we will allocate places on a first come, first served basis. If payment is not received by the due date, we reserve the right to offer your child’s place to someone else. If a child has a long term (illness) absence from school your booked slots will be refunded. Payments can be received via ParentPay or your Childcare Choices account. 

Support with Funding Childcare

Tax-Free Childcare is a UK wide offer. Eligible working parents with children 11 or under can get up to £2,000 per child, per year, towards their childcare costs (or up to £4,000 for disabled children 16 or under). More information on how to create an online Childcare account can be found on the Childcare Choices website which explains how families can get help with paying for childcare 


The below documents may also be of help. 

Term 5 Activities

Screenshot 2025-03-26 132305

Breakfast Club Menu

Screenshot 2025-03-26 132712

After-school Menu

Screenshot 2025-03-26 132726
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